Two-channel regulated variable power supply 0...30V / 2x 3A (JPL-6267E)

The 6267E is single board two-channel regulated variable power supply. Both channels are independend with separated power input and voltage / current adjust. The power supply has two stages: preregulator with output filter folowed by regulator. Each channel can works in CV or CC mode and has overcurrent protection.

JPL-6267E - Two-channel regulated variable power supply 0...30V / 2x 3A
Fig. 1 - top view

JPL-6267E - Two-channel regulated variable power supply 0...30V / 2x 3A
Fig. 2 - connection via edge power connector

JPL-6267E - Two-channel regulated variable power supply 0...30V / 2x 3A
Fig. 3 - connection via bus connector

The power supply board measures 160 x 100 mm. Input DC unregulated voltage for each channel is between +12V to +35V DC.
