Philips PM 2517E Philips PM 2517E

Philips PM2517E is 4-digits (9999) field multimeter with battery and main adapter power supply. It has been purchased in 1980, hardly used and never calibrated. Accordings the operational manual, the errors of ac ranges should be ±0.5% from readable value (40 Hz až 1 kHz) and 1% at frequences 1 kHz to 10 kHz and ±0.5% at frequences 10 kHz to 20 kHz. Input impedance should be 2 MΩ.

Philips PM 2517E - tests results Fig. 1 - test results

Results of true RMS values in milivolts and Volts respectively (above 1V) of sinus signal from APN-62 Rohde Schwarz generator at various frequences.

Values at frequence 10 Hz were not stabile at any ranges.

Date of tests: 17.July 2009

Philips PM 2517E - measured errors Fig. 2 - measured errors

The graph shows errors of measured values dependings frequence. The tested instrument is usable for signals above 20 mV and for signals above 50 mV comply data presented in operational manual.